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Rise With Edra Izzo

Crystal Fairy Connection

Crystal Fairy Connection

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A crystal fairy is a tiny elemental or light being that lives within each crystal. Just like a Dyrad (tree fairy) lives within each tree. Its life force sustains the energetic nature of the crystal, and the crystal creates the magical realms through which the fairy experiences a full, rich existence. 

We use crystals in our everyday life and objects, perhaps without even realizing it.

Quartz Crystal is used in watches as it generates a small electric current when it is rubbed or squeezed. We also know that crystals are able to receive radio frequencies. Almost all of our electronics use crystals.

Crystals have great powers of manifestation. They are doorways into the interdimensional realms or worlds where the fairy lives.

On a spiritual level, crystals are understood and respected as alive and as light technology that will solidify into matter. If you are already a crystal lover, you will know that crystals come in many colors, often corresponding with the healing properties of the chakra they are associated with. 

Each elemental fairy group has specific roles that will support you throughout your life phases. Your crystal fairy connection will work with you in 2 ways. 

  1. The powerful electromagnetic energy of the crystal works with your energy field, fine-tuning it and bringing it back into balance. As we are all connected to the Earth through our own electromagnetic grid, this filters into the consciousness of humanity to support us in our personal growth.
  2. The crystal fairy you are connected to will add their support, wisdom, and knowledge to the crystal healing power and Grant access to its more profound understanding.

Not everyone is given access to this, as spiritual knowledge is only given to those who can be trusted not to abuse it.

With this service, You will receive a guidance message and attunement to create a connection with your specific Crystal Fairy.

  • You will receive your guidance message via email with images of your crystal fairy, its color, and its associated crystal.
  • The attunement will be created and sent to you at a distance. So all you will need to do is sit meditatively when you are free of distractions, tune in, and intentionally accept the energy by saying "I now accept my Crystal Fairy attunment." Then you will sit for about 10-15mins to let the energy integrate.

This attunment will last a lifetime but your specific fairy may change based on the phase of your life, so you can receive a new reading and attunement every 6 months or longer if needed. The universe may test you before or after this service to ensure you are worthy of this powerful connection. This attunment will not settle and integrate for long time use if you are not adequately ready (which will not be determined by me), so if you notice that you are not feeling able to connect to your fairy, then you may need to receive a Spiritual Wellness Check to further diagnose what the issue may be.

It is hard to describe the pure power of nature around us on Earth; think of mighty mountains, great oceans, caves and volcanoes. They all hold such ancient magic and wisdom. Those drawn to working with elemental and crystal beings are playing their part in helping to sustain the frequency of the Earth's grid.

The elemental guardians (fairies) play a vital role in sustaining repairing protecting and ensuring the balance of Gaia and the Earth's nature elements within our realm. We are physically made up of platonic solids, and even our bones and teeth contain crystals - the building blocks of our universe. The elemental guardians are responsible for sustaining the elements in nature out of a pure frequency for us to template to or with. 

It is said in Lemurian times when we were more etheric in nature that we were able to be in nature and absorb whatever element we needed to to support our healing process. This connection and attunment will bring you as close to that etheric nature as possible, allowing you to easily absorb and tune in to your specific Crystal Fairy's energy.


Please reach out if you have any questions before and after procedure.

When you purchase these services, you acknowledge that I will not guarantee any results. These services are here to empower and encourage continued growth. Click Here to learn more.

Energy Healing Healing After Care

After an energy healing treat yourself as if you had just gotten a massage. You may be tired or even energiezed. Meet yourself where you are and give yourself grace. It is important to stay hydrated and have good rest. Release all expectaions. Open your body to allowing your energies to integrate for your highest good. If you feel you are having any signs of "Spiritual Detox" that is often normal just as we have to detox our physical bodies. If you have questions regarding how to handle a "Spiritual Detox" You can review the blog I have written or reach out to me at

Care Instructions

Come into this reading with a clear and open mind. Be hydrated and have some good rest. If possible please be in good hygine standing such as having taken a shower. This is so that the energy that is tapped into will be fresh and clean as well. Even if you are in a sad or lower vibrational space this reading is perfect to receive. The messages in this reading may not make sense at first, over time though they may start to make more sense. Release all expectaions.

Liability & Consent

This page is to inform you that when you purchase these services, you are acknowledging that you are aware I will not be guaranteeing any results. These services are here to empower and encourage continued growth. They are not intended as a miracle or to get you to do anything that you are not already actively seeking. Upon using these services, you are aware the tools, tips, and coaching presented to you are in no way implying they will change and enhance your life. By continuing, you consent to the facts that you are the only person responsible for your success in life and that I am here to simply support you while you yourself do all the work it takes to create the life you want. You acknowledge that you are the one living your life, so only you have the power and tools to change your life. You agree not to hold Edra Izzo, Rebecca Rizzo, and R.IZZO STRATEGIC SOLUTIONS fiscally responsible for any downfalls, and you will not engage in taking legal actions towards Edra or associated partners due to your lack of satisfaction with these services. In order to proceed with any and all services on this site, you must read and consent to this liability page. Upon purchase of any coaching package, you will be required to sign a copy of this page.


Spouse Interactions

If you have a spouse, they, too, must sign a consent page. Some of which they will sign state: You agree that you trust your spouse. You also agree to these services under the condition that communications will only be related to specific purchased services. 

**It is important to have your spouse on board with you unless you are choosing to transition away from your spouse. In the case you want to transition away from your marriage then I will need in writing that your spouse is not aware and not signing because your intention is to leave them.**


My services are professional only. Any disrespect may be cause to cancel contracts and agreements. If you get sexually disrespectful in any way, you will not be entitled to a refund, and you may be banned from using Rise With Edra Izzo and R.IZZO STRATEGIC SOLUTIONS in the future. Please keep all communications as professional as possible. Vulnerability is not unprofessional; vulgarity, nudity, and negative remarks are unprofessional.


For more Terms and Services, please click HERE

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