R.S.S. Networking and Expansion Group Organization Outline (In Person)
Article I- Introduction
Section 1- Mission Statement: Our mission is to help elevate people and businesses to reach their full potential and build emotional equity by offering them tools, perspectives, support, and solutions. We aim to support the general community through service projects and volunteer efforts.
The purpose of this networking group is:
- Create a ripple effect within the community by helping individuals and groups of people and businesses.
- Support business development in a healthy, sustainable way both economically and emotionally
- Empower individuals and cultivate self-love
- Create healthy and fun community interactions to empower and educate
- Create a support network with community contributors to create and use emotional equity
Section 2- Meeting Times: The time of events is not set. Timing of events will be shared no later than 3 THREE days prior to events. For courses/classes, SEE ARTICLE IV. This section is and will be subject to change. You will be emailed information.
Article II- Membership
Section 1- Membership: Members are expected to maintain professional standards. Each membership needs at least ONE 1 representative. This representative will be known as the Lead member and will be considered the point of contact. Members need to be over 18 years old, but some events maybe 21 years and older. Information about 21 years and older events will be shared in a timely manner and take up no more than 45% of meetings. SEE ARTICLE V Section 4. No business shall have more than 5 representatives at each event unless they are the sponsor of the event.
Section 2- Dues: Tiered Levels of Membership at different price levels offering different opportunities based on attendance and investment.
- $150 Yearly Fee: First Tier- Included in Member Only Events + Member Only Pricing + 10% off full-price courses. SEE ARTICLE IV Section 2. DOES NOT INCLUDE FOOD UNLESS SPECIFIED.
- $390 Yearly Fee: Second Tier- Automatic inclusion in First Tier + gets the opportunity to give 1 ONE 5-minute monthly presentation as space & topic permits + 30min brainstorm sessions once a quarter SEE ARTICLE IV Section 5.
- Customizable Sponsorships/Commitment Options Available
Price structures are subject to change. Annual or seasonal changes may apply. Emails will be sent out if/when this occurs. You may be grandfathered in if applicable. Ask for details.
Section 3- Representatives: Any member can have up to 5 representatives at each meeting, but only ONE 1 representative is included. This included member will be considered the Lead member and will be considered the point of contact. Each additional representative will be $5 per attendance. LUNCH NOT INCLUDED Representatives need to be at least 18 years old. Some events maybe 21 years and older. SEE ARTICLE V Section 4.
Section 4- Leave of Absence: Leaves will be granted for medical reasons or other reasons based on approval by officials.
Section 5- Attendance: If the Lead member misses 3 consecutive unexcused meetings or 1 brainstorming session, the member’s status in the group will be put on pause and reviewed. The member is subject to termination after discussion if it is deemed to be the appropriate action. New Members will pledge to meet the attendance requirements.
Section 6- Leads/Referrals/Goals- Since this is a networking group designed for elevation, we would like to know what is happening from it. We will ask for details about sales, business referrals, partnerships/sponsorships, events you are creating, and any goals you might have. We ask that you be willing to share this so that we may hold you and the group accountable. This will be a check-in at every meeting. A template for easy fill-out will be provided either physically or electronically. These will be similar to a vision board and do not need to be super professional. Our goal is to help you reach your full potential, so we need to know where to support you. Meeting time prior to and after meetings will be available for any help you may need by schedule only but is welcome. There may be “Drop-In” time scheduled by officials, in which case they are on a first-come, first-serve basis. You will be informed in a timely manner about such opportunities. SEE Article III Section 2.
Section 7- Confidentiality: Members are not allowed to share our structure or the content involving the organization of our meetings with any other lead/networking organization at any time unless authorized by officials. Warnings will not be given.
Article III- Officials
Section 1- Officers: Rebecca Rizzo, aka Shay Rizzo, aka Creative Energies Unleashed, and Elliet Rizzo, aka Edra Izzo, aka Rise With Edra Izzo, are the officials that will at no point change unless they put it in writing.
Section 2- Contact/Communication/Meetings: Please add rizzostrategicolutions@gmail.com email to your contacts so that no emails go into spam. Email will be a primary mode of communication. Meeting time prior to and after meetings will be available for any help you may need by schedule only but is welcome. There may be “Drop-In” time scheduled by officials, in which case they are on a first-come, first-serve basis. You will be informed in a timely manner about such opportunities.
Article IV- Courses/Classes/Events
Section 1- Courses/Classes: Members will purchase courses separately from networking membership. Early Bird pricing will be for a limited time. Full-priced courses will be offered after Early Bird pricing. Members CAN and SHOULD invite nonmembers to these courses. These courses will be shared no later than 3 THREE days prior to events. Discounts available SEE ARTICLE IV Section 2.
Section 2- Discounts: First and Second Tier Members will receive a 10% discount on full-priced courses. i.e., AFTER EARLY BIRD. A member will receive ONE 1 FREE course per every 3 registered and paid nonmembers they refer.
Section 3- Members Only Events: There may be members-only events that are free or paid for. These events, along with all others, will be shared no later than 3 THREE days prior to events. Applicable discounts SEE ARTICLE IV Section 2 will apply unless already free to members.
Section 4- Events: Members will receive tbd perks at events hosted by R.S.S.. Members can receive tbd discounts for vendor spaces and tickets. Sponsorships to events are available. Event planning is also available at a discounted rate. Prices will vary based on needs. Some trips may be “Field Trip” style. Some events may not include members. Some events maybe 21 years and older. Information about 21-year and older events will be shared in a timely manner. SEE ARTICLE V Section 4.
Section 5- Brainstorming Sessions: Members will receive brainstorming sessions in accordance with their selected Tier, as mentioned in ARTICLE II Section 2. These sessions will take place on Zoom, and you will receive an email from risewithedraizzo@gmail.com | rizzostrategicsolutions@gmail.com | byshayrizzo@gmail.com to schedule your appointments. If you miss one of these appointments without letting the officials know, your member status in the group will be put on pause and reviewed. SEE ARTICLE II Section 5.
Article V- The Rest of It
Section 1- Liability: You are the only one responsible for your growth and expansion. You are aware that this is like a gym membership, and what you put into this is what you will get out of it. You also agree that all information you share with us is accurate and true. You agree to follow all laws and regulatory guidelines and understand that in no way will R.S.S. ever ask you to violate such laws or regulations. You work with your own autonomy and agree that R.IZZO STRATEGIC SOLUTIONS is not and will never force you to do anything that you do not want to do. SEE ARTICLE V Section 3 and Section 4.
Section 2- Cancelations: 30 days' notice for cancelation is needed. Yearly membership refunds will be reviewed by officials on a needed basis and do not guarantee complete refunds. Once canceled, you must wait a probationary 90 days before rejoining.
Section 3- Conduct: Healthy communication is welcome. Respectfully address your concerns and issues. We are all adults. No drama will be tolerated. This is a safe space. No bullying; we abhor that. One 1 verbal warning will be given, One 1 written warning will be given, and then termination/cancelation will be used as necessary. Follow the golden rule “Treat others as you'd want to be treated.” Clothes will be worn at ALL TIMES (except in designated places). No drunkenness at any event or meeting will be tolerated. No sexual misconduct will be tolerated. Investigations will be taken up by officials SEE ARTICLE III Section 1 and by third parties as needed.
Section 4- 21 years and older: Some events maybe 21 years and older events. These events will be shared in a timely manner. They will not take up more than 45% of the scheduled meetings. These events may include nonmembers. Some trips may be “Field Trip” style. Clothes will be worn at ALL TIMES (except in designated places). No drunkenness at any event or meeting will be tolerated. No sexual misconduct will be tolerated. Officials SEE ARTICLE III Section 1 take no liability for you, as you confirm you are an adult who is, in fact, 21 years old or older. Investigations will be taken up by officials and by third parties as needed.
Section 5- Bragging Rights- You definitely get to brag about being part of this group. But be respectful. We aren't bullies. In fact, we abhor bullies, so be humorous and not mean. But really, please, actually do brag about us so that we can get more members to help support you. And remember, Spread your happiness because you matter, you are worthy, and we are proud of you.
Section 6- Disclaimer: This entire thing is subject to change at any time for any reason. Action will be taken when applicable to alert everyone about changes that might not happen. Please stay up to date on your own accord. We also abhor stagnation. SEE ARTICLE I Section 1. (Updated as of August 18, 2023)