Edra Izzo is a multifaceted being. She is a licensed cosmetologist since 2014. She is a non denominational ordained minister for 11 years and a cannabis lifestyle specialist in the medical cannabis industry since 2012. In 2019 she created R.IZZO STRATEGIC SOLUTIONS a small boutique marketing agency specializing in creating emotional equity and in 2020 she became a Reiki Master, Angelic Healer, Chakra Balancer, Crystal Healer, Transformation Coach and started her spiritual empowerment site Rise With Edra Izzo. Her goal is to help promote self love, as she believes lack of self love is the root of all issues. Her genuine closing phase is “Remember; you’re worthy, you matter and I’m proud of you!”
In Depth About Edra Izzo
This website is not about me it is about you.
But, with that being said, I wanted to have a page where you could better get to know me. I am a Scorpio sun, Virgo rising, and Libra moon. I have a total of 5 planets in Scorpio which make me very good at evolution. I am a generating sacral authority H.D., with a 2/4 personality profile and my cross incantation of Right Angle Cross of The Four Ways (44/24 | 33/19)
I am conduit and channel. I am a licensed cosmetologist specializing in skin care since 2015. I read and use all kinds of cards, divination tools, music, and imagery to translate messages the spirits and guides are sharing for the highest good. I am an energy healer of multiple modalities. I use crystals and Human Design in my healing and coaching. I am constantly expanding and looking for ways to offer support to people. I am dedicated to living a life of example and strive to practice all that I preach. I am a very harmonious person dedicated to living in balance as much as possible. I have half a thyroid since I was 18 years old and have never had to take hormones. I do shadow work to create balance and often incorporate shadow working methods to help create and promote self love and awareness. I use analogies and imagery to explain things.
I have a podcast called Happy Shits Are Happening and some blogs about different topics. I am in the cannabis industry because I smoke medically and I do reviews and help people learn about products that might work well for them. B.C. (Before Covid) I was going to networking events and meeting all the different industry people. I also get to visit multiple dispensaries out where I live.
I do go to church (Christian) but consider myself to be an omnisist. I would love and have always dreamed of having my own church where I preach with more than one religion. I have been a non denominational ordained minister since I was 16 years old and have gone to the church that we currently go, on and off for over 10 years. I believe that Jesus was a Reiki Master and used energy healing and that his mission was to show us all how to become enlightened. I am of Jewish decent and we do incorporate some of the Jewish traditions into our family culture. Religion is not what is important, being connected to the All is what is important to me. Being an omnist is something that I stress highly, I do not care about trying to convert anyone.. I respect, believe in and practice lots of different religions and pantheons. I am capable of holding multi present and multi dimensional beliefs.
I love sweets, pizza, plants, candles, incense, gemstones, potatoes, crafts, animals, nature and music. My favorite color is rainbow (yes I know that really means all the colors) I am not perfect and constantly work to heal and grow. I am stepping into my powers and titles (I have not named them anywhere for you to see yet) and my real mission is to help empower people to live their best lives. One of my favorite motto's is "Work smarter, not harder." and I carry that into my sessions. Everything I do is geared towards how to show YOU that YOU have the power. I firmly believe society has been created in this way to dis-empower us. Often we give away our power (energy) without even realizing it. I want you to have everything that you want. Over all I am a unique human, just like you, and when we all learn to embrace our individuality then we can better come together to create the world we want.
Click here for navigation to some of my qualifications!
Summarized (Can Be Use For Press):