Transformation is the act of transforming.
To transform means:
verb (used with object)
So what exactly is this transformation you ask?
Throughout our life we are constantly transforming. We start as a child who cannot really do anything for itself except to get the attention of others, and become a self sustaining adult who moves at will most of the time without help. Our thoughts transform from simple things about our needs to complex over complications of things that sometimes don't even matter. We age and our skin transforms from baby soft without blemishes to wrinkles and sun spots.
Just as a butterfly transforms from caterpillar to butterfly we transform from child to adult. Nature has a way of changing us. Helping us to grow even when we wish that weren't the case. But no matter who you are, or what you are, we all transform throughout our life.
A transformation coach is a coach, a tutor, a guide, a mentor, a supporter that helps during these transformations. A transformation coach is someone who can help you feel empowered during the times when you might not really be feeling it.
The process of a caterpillar to a butterfly is messy and frankly gross. The caterpillar cocoons itself because it literally disintegrates, it becomes literal goo and slim. And from the goo and slim it recreates itself. It forms legs and limbs and wings and antenna to become the beautiful butterfly that emerges. If you were to open up this cocoon before the process was finished you would not see anything worth wile. You would in fact be killing the butterfly/caterpillar and the change would stop right were you opened it. There is no butterfly without the transformation. And there is no transformation without that nasty process.
Humans are no exception except that we don't have a cocoon. We exist simultaneously in our caterpillar AND our butterfly stages without protection or defense. We don't get to hole ourselves away until we are a beautiful butterfly. That can be hard. That can almost feel defenseless and vulnerable.
With 2020 and now 2021 we have all started the process of becoming gooey slim. Some of us might have started even before that but one things for sure, we are all transforming.
So how does a transformation coach help?
Transformation coaches take information about these changes and help support you on your gooey slimy journey. We help you with the mindset during the process so that you aren't feeling as exposed and vulnerable as you would if you were doing it all on your own. We help you organize your thoughts so that you can regenerate limbs and wings and antenna. Since we are humans and not caterpillars we need help to work with our conscious and subconscious. We need tips to get through the mental ware that this journey has on us. It takes a toll! When you have a transformation coach you are not alone.
Humans are beings of community. Beings of co-regulation and we all need support. We created tribes and have families for this reason.
In today's day and age though, not all families are created equal. Not all support effects us the same.
We sometimes feel bogged down or drained by those around us. People in our lives can have limiting beliefs and project those belief onto us, which hinders our transformation.
A transformation coach takes you personally and supports you right where you are til, right where you want to be. When you have a transformation coach you have a support system with someone who knows mindset tips and skills that not everyone else is privy to. We are a confidant without judgement. We are your cocoon.
When you have a transformation coach you have someone around you how knows what you are going through. Who knows that you need support and care. You have someone who has the ability and WANT to empower you and help your co-regulation. Someone to help you lick your wounds or shake you with love. When you have a transformation coach you have a source, a rock, that can keep you balanced even when you're in stormy seas.
Not all transformation coaches are created equal. Not all transformations are created equal. Do your own research about each coach before committing to them.
Remember; you are worthy, you matter, and I'm proud of you!
For more information about my coaching please reach out to schedule a free consolation with me. I also have group transformation programs that give you access to the container of amazing people who are also getting support during their transforamtions.